Reflections from Fr. Justin Mathews + husband, father, priest, artist, aspiring fool for Christ (

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Quote for the day

Today St. Basil is remembered in the Orthodox Christian Church.  Find out more about this amazing Father of the Church here:

Here is a quote>>

"The Christian ought not to say anything behind his brother’s back with the object of calumniating
him, for this is slander, even if what is said is true (cf. II Cor. 12:20; I Pet. 2:1). He ought to turn
away from the brother who speaks evil against him (cf. I Pet. 3:16-17; Jms. 4:11)…"

St. Basil the Great

New Site Launch!

New site launched with online store, link to iTunes store and other goodies. Hope it suits your taste! I hope to have more to write soon. I will be posting various quotes, photos and sundry things from time to time. Feel free to comment or email at to discuss something I post or just to chat. Hope to be in your town soon!

Grace and Peace,
